The Wanamaker Dilemma
John Wanamaker famously said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” You can replace...

Tactics Eat Strategies For Lunch?
A notable business leader once told an audience I was in, “tactics eat strategies for lunch.” That is akin to saying “if we throw stuff...

The Elusive Strategy
At the beginning of a project, I ask to see my client’s current strategic growth plan. I have only received three types of plans: 1) The...

Why Consistency is Crucial
Consistently keeping your brand promise employs three concepts of cognitive psychology: consistency principle, confirmatory bias and...

What Is A Brand?
A brand is not a logo, or color palette, or snappy slogan, or catchy jingle. A brand is a promise you make with your customers to...

The Value of Participation Trophies
A participation trophy is one that is awarded for simply participating in something. The concept has stirred the wrath of the people, as...